La cohérence des politiques est la promotion systématique d’actions politiques se renforçant mutuellement entre les ministères et les agences gouvernementales, créant des synergies en vue d’atteindre […]
Bien que les parties à la CCNUCC soient parvenues à un accord mondial juridiquement contraignant, à savoir l’accord de Paris en 2015, le rapport spécial du […]
Like any other aspect of public policy implementation, the implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) necessitates an appropriate regulatory and policy framework. The extent to which […]
The Paris Agreement and its enabling Decision 1/CP.21 request the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) to develop recommendations on modalities, procedures and […]
The extent to which a country’s regulatory and policy framework meets the requirements associated with implementing its Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) gives an initial measure of […]
The Paris Agreement, a hallmark accord, was a major milestone in international climate politics bringing years of near deadlock negotiations to a conclusion. The temperature rise […]
The Voice for Change Partnership (V4CP) is a multisectoral programme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs (DGIS),operated jointly by the Netherlands Development Organization (SNV) […]
It is a known fact that majority of the SMEs use obsolete technologies because of their inability or having inadequate finance to go for new technologies. […]