My Name is Kanyaman Lemeiguran, 78. I am an illchamus (a marginalized and indigenous community in Kenya). I was born and bred in Sintaan ,Ngambo. I have lived here since I was born. I am also the chair to the illchamus council of elders. When I was young, this area used to be serene, with plenty of pasture for our livestock.
Our livestock used to have a lot of grazing land. Things have however changed. My village can no longer sustain our pastoralist way of life. It has become hotter, and drier. Getting water and pasture for my livestock is no longer easy.
One has to walk for several kilometers at the risk of one’s life since inter-communal conflicts for pasture and watr for livestock have increased.
The worst bit of it is that when it rains, it comes in torrents leaving us with floods. The recent floods destroyed out school, brought crocodiles on our farms and we are no longer safe