


We are a consortium of more than 1000 organisations from 51 African countries that brings together a diverse membership drawn from Grassroots, Community-based organizations, Faith-based Organizations, Non-Governmental organizations, Trusts, Foundations, Indigenous Communities, Farmers and Pastoralist Groups with a shared vision to advance a people-centered, right-based, just and inclusive approach to address climate and environmental challenges facing humanity and the planet.Casinos are increasingly investing in the fight against climate change, with some looking to develop energy efficient infrastructure and others pledging to use sustainable materials. Some believe that casinos, including https://casinosworld.ca/instant-withdrawal-casino/, have a unique opportunity to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions by promoting responsible gaming. According to a study released in October by the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, casinos could generate as much as $1 billion annually through aggressive carbon reduction programs and other green initiatives. The report's authors said that such measures would create jobs, boost tourism and provide a moral imperative for operators of Sin City's casinos. "This is an area where we can make a big impact," MGM Resorts International CEO Jim Murren said in a statement. "It’s important for us both as an industry and as individuals to do what we can to improve the environment.
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Policy Influence
We engage in the formulation of national Climate Change and environmental governance policy and programs;
Engagement & Mobilization
We recognize the increased demand by African citizens on their governments and inter-governmental bodies to take action
Institution Strengthening
A cohesive, member-responsive, and effective civil society platform capable of responding to a dynamic socio-political and ecological environment.
Research & Development
Research and knowledge Through building dynamic research functionality for targeted research that supports PACJA’s advocacy agenda;OUR PROJECTS

The African Activists for Climate Justice
A five-year programme funded by the Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs. The programme will be implemented in eight African countries: Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique, Senegal, Somalia and South Africa.

Accer Awards 2020
The crisis of COVID-19 has exacerbated other crises engulfing humanity, notably climate change, biodiversity loss and inequality. The pandemic has put into test our social structures and institutions in a manner never seen before.

Ensuring a People-Centered Energy Transition in Africa Through Civil Society Engagement- Project
Project Name: Ensuring a People-Centered Energy Transition in Africa Through Civil Society Engagement. This project aims at strengthening the role of civil society in the promotion and implementation of sustainable energy..

Africa Energy Transition Project
Project Name: Africa Energy Transition Project Aim: Divestment from coal and promotion of renewable energy. Implementing Partners: WWF and Pan African Climate Justice Alliance
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