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Terms Of Reference For The End-Term Evaluation of the  AACJ Program

The Mid-Term Review (MTR) evaluation of the AACJ project, conducted in 2023, provided an in-depth evaluation of the project’s progress, relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, and sustainability up to its midpoint. The review emphasized the program’s success in amplifying African voices, particularly those of women, youth, and local communities, to advance climate justice. It highlighted the development of strong climate justice narratives, increased capacities of civil society organizations, and enhanced political will for policy advocacy. However, the MTR also identified critical areas for improvement, including the need for a robust sustainability strategy, stronger partnerships, and better integration of cross-cutting issues such as gender, safeguarding, and locally led action. This End-Term Evaluation will build on the findings and recommendations of the MTR to assess the project’s final outcomes and provide actionable insights for future programming. The MTR report will be provided to the consultant as listed project documents in Annex 4 of the Annexes section.

The prospective consultant/s is expected to submit detailed technical and financial (itemized) proposals to; recruitment@pacja.org with a copy to info@pacja.org by close of business 11th April, 2025

Download and Read More: Terms of Reference (ToR) – End Term Evaluation of AACJ Project

Terms of Reference: Final Evaluation of Swedish Support to Pan Africa Climate Justice Alliance

1. Background

The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) provided financial core support to the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance (PACJA) within the framework of the Swedish Regional Strategy for Africa since 2012. PACJA is a continental coalition of civil society organizations in the African continent, brought together by a common goal of promoting and advocating for climate-friendly and equity-based development. Pursuant to continued Partnership between PACJA and Government of Sweden through Sida, and Swedish Government’s regional strategy as well as PACJA’s strategic plan 2021 – 2025, the Alliance submitted another Project proposal entitled, “Galvanizing and Unifying Africa’s Action for Resilient Development in the era of the Pandemic (Guard-Africa) which is a three-year project commencing January 2022 to December 2024. This project builds on the effort to entrench civil society as a central pillar in NDCs implementation in countries, intergovernmental processes and regionally.

Guard-Africa aims to be a transformative catalyst in Africa’s conversations on NDCs and overall climate action drawing from its convening power and grassroots mobilization, through bottom-up, Community-driven policy choices. The project aims to enhance the capacity of Designated National Platforms (DNPs) as central pillars of climate action at the national level to influence global, and regional institutions towards the fulfilment of Climate change commitments including the Paris Agreement, the NDCs and ongoing initiatives in Africa, particularly under the ClimDev Initiative. It is also supporting DNPs and dedicated Initiatives to contribute to other related processes such as the African Ministerial Conference on Environment (AMCEN), the RECs’ climate Strategy and policy processes; and frameworks and strategies to address national climate change challenges by various countries.

Download and Read for more information: TORs END TERM EVALUATION- GUARD AFRICA 2

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