The Paris Agreement and its enabling Decision 1/CP.21 request the Ad Hoc Working Group on the Paris Agreement (APA) to develop recommendations on modalities, procedures and guidelines (MPGs) for the Enhanced Transparency Framework (ETF) for action and support. The MPGs constitute a core element of the so-called “Paris rulebook”, as they establish a system for reporting and reviewing of information by parties. Under the ETF in particular, Parties shall provide a national inventory report as well
as information necessary to track progress towards implementing and achieving their Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) (Article 13.7). The Paris Agreement on climate change, the 2030 Agenda forSustainable Development (Agenda 2030) as well as African Union’s Agenda 2063 pave pathways towards a prosperous and sustainable future for the continent. African countries are at different stages of the process of integrating the Agenda 2030 (also known as the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs) and Agenda 2063 in their national development planning frameworks.
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