On February 12, 2025, PACJA held a one-day Africa Non-State Actors Consultative Review on the Outcome of COP29 & the Road to Belem. The convening theme: Securing climate justice for Africa in a multipolar world in the Year of Reparations”, attracted representatives of NGOs, Indigenous Groups, Women, Youth, Trade Unions, Farmers Groups, PWDS, Pastoralists, and private sector actors among many others. The event was graced by high-level dignitaries namely: Dr Mithika Mwenda, Executive Director, Pan African Climate Justice Alliance H.E Adam Drury, UK Ambassador to the African Union, Jihane EL GAOUZI, Head of Sustainable Environment, SEBE, AUC, who represented Harsen Nyambe, Director, SEBE, AUC, Beza Berhanu Programme Officer for Environment and Climate Cluster, Regional Development Cooperation Africa, Representing Joachim Beijmo, Head of Regional Development Cooperation, Embassy of Sweden, Ethiopia and Priego Fernández-Martos, Pedro, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of Spain.
High level Keynote Speeches: What came out? DOWNLOAD TO READ MORE BELOW
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