PACJA to feature at the 2nd World Forum on Climate Justice
September 20, 2021Mithika Urges Joint Tackling of COVID-19, Climate Change as Second World Forum On Climate Justice Opens
September 21, 2021
The global People’s Assembly holds beginning tomorrow and will hear from diverse voices from around the world on the real challenges that they face in the fight for a transformation towards a more just and sustainable world.
The Assembly will consider how local activism can catalyse change in communities and will consider ways to bring diverse voices into the COP26 process.
The Assembly holds ahead of the long awaited COP26 UN climate conference which is to take place from November 1 in Glasgow with serious questions arising around equitable access due to the impact of the Covid pandemic and vaccine inequality.
The Pan African Climate Justice Alliance will on September 23 share key stories of practical action by community groups in Africa in developing their own solutions for climate change adaptation based on lived experience from the frontlines; and work together to identify solidarity actions that can provide practical support to community activists.
Draft Agenda:
- (5 mins): Opening & Welcome
- (7mins): Speaker from PACJA on the realities faced in many communities in terms of the impacts of climate change
- (7 mins) Indigenous speaker- Mishell Catucuamba, Grupo Sinchi Wamprakuna (Ecuador) on the challenges faced for climate justice in the Amazon
- (3mins): Zovu video to show a community taking action
- (5 mins) Outline of the plans around COP and how civil society can work together as part of broad coalitions (COP26 Coalition speaker TBC)
- (15 mins): Open floor for participants to share their climate actions
- (5 mins) Building on the Great Recovery letter and preparing for the world we want in 2022 (Rajiv Joshi, Bridging Ventures)
- (10 mins): Reflections from speakers and closing remarks
Look out for Links into the meeting
Discover more from PACJA - Panafrican Climate Justice Alliance
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