In attendance were Mr. Mamoudou OUEDRAOGO National Coordinator of À-2E and Mrs. Aminata KAGONE, representative of Internally Displaced Persons (IDP) who engaged their audience in the local Moore language in the 97 FM station under the theme: “one land”.
According Mamadou, there was lots of excitement and the audience fully participated in the interactive programme. “They gave feedback and made useful contribution to the discussions,” said Mamadou.
In Burkina Faso, eight people in ten live on agriculture and livestock, and the effects of climate change is causing hunger and threaten the subsistence of the inhabitants.
The eastern and southwestern parts of the country, which generally have more favourable weather, are increasingly hit by high temperatures and pockets of drought. The government is helping villagers dig wells and build small water reservoirs to better utilize the country’s scarce water resources.
Due to its geographical position, Burkina Faso is characterized by a dry tropical climate which alternates between a short rainy season and a long dry season. Burkina Faso’s climate is prone to strong seasonal and annual variation due to its location in the hinterland and within the confines of the Sahara.
This radio advocacy is an initiative is one of the several of such under the African Activists on Climate Justice (AACJ) Project of the Pan African Climate Justice Alliance funded by MoFA Netherlands.
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