Strategic plan 2021-2025 (Click to Download/Read More)
PACJA has been instrumental in supporting its member organizations and platforms to engage decision-makers and duty bearers in strategic policy dialogue processes and interventions at all levels. Amplification of the continent’s voice and articulation of critical demands in international forums have been key hallmarks for the Alliance. Since its formation more than a decade ago, the Alliance has carved its own niche as one of the most dynamic, transformative and influential civil society platforms in climate change and environmental conversations, not only in the African continent, but globally.
At the heart of PACJA’s work is the principle of climate justice, underpinned by the reality that the continent has contributed negligibly to the atmospheric stock of greenhouse gas emissions, yet it is the most vulnerable with limited resources to adapt to climate change impacts. The most vulnerable segments of society are the most endangered by climate impacts: indigenous peoples, pastoralists, women, the disabled, the young and the elderly. In an important sense it is young people who have most to lose from environmental destruction; it is their future lifetimes that are being gambled away.
At the same time it is also these vulnerable groups that have the least say in the decisions that governments make to address the climate and environmental crisis. This lack of voice adds to the injustice. PACJA sees its role as mitigating these injustices.
Under its previous Strategic Plan 2016-2020, the Alliance members and its partners have endeavoured to fulfil that role, and, to a large extent, have succeeded in strengthening their effectiveness and impact. Building on the gains and lessons learned through that effort, and taking into account the many shifts in the political, economic, environmental and social context over the past five years, it was time to revise its strategies. PACJA has now designed a framework strategy to guide its work over the coming decade to 2030, and articulated a more detailed strategic planning document for the next five years, 2021-2025, as presented in this document (STRATEGIC PLAN 2021 – 2025).
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