2257 Non-State Actors and Climate activists’ organizations and individuals cast a call to the global Government leaders and the global north Particularly to consider Africa’s positions, voice and aspirations during global conversation and negotiation on Climate change.
The preludial step began with the recently concluded Africa climate summit coincided with Africa Climate Week held in Nairobi, Kenya from September 4th to 6th 2023. The Non-state actors sidelined in the preparations for the summit echoed disappointment over the process and shared demands and redlines with the same.
Under the leadership of African non -State Actors steering commit, African Non-state actors comprising individuals and organizations such as Youth organizations, women and gender constituencies, academia and research institutions, faith-based organizations, regional Civil society organizations, Private sector and finance institutions and indigenous communities as well, expressed concern of inclusion.
The mobilization saw massive support from Africa-based organizations and individuals while the constituency gained solidarity support from the West and Asia-based organizations and individuals.
The process started with the formation of 11 interest-based clusters to better detail their priority agenda and approaches and triggered over 70 thematic convening at cluster level and priority-setting forums.
African non-state actors presented demands to African and global leaders as the world is prepared to head to COP28 which will kick off on December 30 2023. Key demands include but not limited to:
- Demanding Developed countries fulfill their historical responsibility and provide adequate and predictable finance, technology transfer, and capacity building to support adaptation, mitigation, and loss and damage in Africa. We are much more keen to collaborate in pushing for grant-based funding mechanisms.
- Reiterating NSAs’ Position on the rejection of the promotion of Carbon Markets that are not responsive and do not serve the climate justice imperatives for Africa. We further urge for
- Calling for continued dialogue in the spirit of closing knowledge gaps on Carbon Markets that are apparent, at all levels.
- Demanding African leaders commit to a just and equitable transition to renewable energy, prioritizing energy access for the poor and marginalized and ensuring guaranteed community ownership and participation.
- Urging African leaders to stand by the principles of climate justice, human rights, gender equality, and intergenerational equity in all climate policies and actions