The Coalition of civil society organizations were responding to the appointment of an oil chief as the President of UNFCCC COP28, pointing out their attempts to undermine and weaken international climate action.
We, the undersigned organizations and individuals, are shocked by the appointment of an oil CEO as COP28 President, and the responsibility he will have at negotiations in December 2023.
The purpose of COP is to reduce and moderate the effects of climate change. There are many other stakeholders that should be allowed to participate in this critical negotiation, and their voices should be heard. We call on all climate negotiators to protest this appointment.
This decision will set a dangerous precedent that protects oil companies’ bottom-lines as a priority and puts business interests over climate science, human rights, democracy, and justice. This pick represents an assault on collective actions and trust in international multilateral processes at a moment when we must all work harder than ever as it challenges our ability to hold together global tempestuous (sic) efforts; an assault on the community of owners (in the public good sense) who invest their money into a sustainable future; placing profit at the heart of justice; undermining democratic control; taking away from others the power to speak through lobbying; compromising basic principles including equal rights for men and women, indigenous peoples,