Dr. Mithika Mwenda, explained that access to funds from GCF has been a dream for african countries but it has become much complicated for countries to access these funds. He criticizes the bureaucratic management of funds processing urging that climate finance should be a quick intervention for communities at the frontline of the climate crisis.
Linking the main purpose of the training with discussions from partcipants, PACJA and AFDAN were able to build the knowledge of partcipants in accelarating the mobilization of climate finance in scale in Africa with the aim to adapt to the impacts of Climate change. It was observed that african countries are facing challenges in addressing building the resilience of communities and adapting to the the impacts of climate related disasters
Peter Odhengo the Coordinator of AFDAN said that there is an urgent need for African GCF NDA/FPs and DAEs to come together to hold dialogue and learn from each other and consolidate African voices to one united voice on how to accelerate flow of climate finance at the continental level. He reminded participants that the NDA is an insititution whose main mandate is to provide broad strategic oversight of the GCF’s activities in the country and communicate the country’s priorities for financing low-emission and climate-resilient development and its role must therefore be amplified to address challenges countries are facing in accessing climate finance.
“We must be prepared and come together as a continent. We must request that funds trickle down to the continent and local level. We must be prepared for another journey with the support of partners. The will and mechanisms are there what we need from you as NDAs is commitment” reiterated Peter Odhengo.
He advised participants that the flow of funds would require the joint commitments and speaking in one voice while negotiating with funders. He said that other continents have put in place mechanisms that aid in mobilizing funds and pointed out that Africa is the only one lagging behind. “If we fail in negotiations of funds we shall definetely fail in climate diplomacy because other continents have made their way to the solution” warned Odhengo.
Currently, 148 countries worldwide have set DNA institutiions in place and according to Green Fund 47 countries have successfully put in place DNA institutions.
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