NORAD Project

Project Name: Africa Energy Transition Project

Aim: Divestment from coal and promotion of renewable energy.

Implementing Partners: WWF and Pan African Climate Justice Alliance

Duration: 2021-2025

Primary Activities

  • Energy policy analysis leading to generation of compelling cases, recommendations, best practice solutions and support to governments for effective promotion of renewable energy
  • Analytical studies on bottlenecks undermining renewable energy trade, developing financial models to promote trade in renewable energy by small and medium enterprises, and supporting regional bodies to multilaterally implement the Common Customs Act
  • Support the EAC and SADC to review and adopt regulatory frameworks that promote RE transition
  • Advocacy with the AfDB and Chinese financial institutions for increase investment in the renewable energy sector, divestment from coal and provision of renewable energy business opportunities
  • Civil Society Organisation capacity strengthening, mentoring and dissemination of best practices of renewable energy alternatives and enterprises. These measures would target rural communities including women CCSOs and delivered through a network approach

Expected Outcomes

  • By 2025, Regional bodies harmonize and multilaterally enforce common customs Act for renewable energy
  • By 2025, regional development banks and Chinese financial institutions reduce investments in coal power and increase investments in renewable energy
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