ACS-NSAs Statement
As Non-State Actors, we are deeply concerned about the impacts of the climate crisis on our continent and its people. We are witnessing the devastating effects of droughts, floods, cyclones, desertification, food insecurity, displacement, and conflicts. We are also aware of the historical and current responsibilities of the developed countries in causing and exacerbating this crisis and their failure to provide adequate support to the most vulnerable countries and communities.
The Africa Climate Summit, scheduled for September 2023 in Nairobi, Kenya, is a unique opportunity for the continent, through its leaders, to raise the urgency of addressing the climate emergency and protecting the rights and livelihoods of its citizens. It is also an opportunity to build momentum and solidarity for the African agenda at COP28 and beyond by highlighting African countries’ common interests and aspirations in achieving a low-carbon, climate-resilient, and inclusive development.
We have been steadfast in advocating a just and equitable transition to a low-carbon, climate-resilient future that respects the rights and dignity of all people. In the past several weeks, we held direct and indirect engagements with the Kenyan Government, the African Union Commission and the larger ClimDev-Africa Initiative under the aegis of an independent Non-State Actors’ Committee, which was established to ensure that the summit reflects the voices and aspirations of African people. Despite these engagements and the evidence provided by the latest science, we are worried that the summit may fall short of these aspirations.
Therefore, we have formulated a set of demands or redlines that we expect the African leaders to uphold and champion at the summit. Read More here
Africa Climate Summit: Non-State Actors Demands and Redlines - Google Drive Africa Climate Summit: Non-State Actors Demands and Redlines1 Organisation 2 Grana nostra 3 L’Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc 4 Afrique EspÃrance NGO 5 IAAS Benin 6 ONG RAMP Benin 7 Association BENIN ENERGIE 8 Ãcolotrip Benin 9 Jeunes Volontaires pour l'environnement 10 Mairie des jeunes 11 NABU 12 Réseau sur le Changement Climatique RDC 13 Sublim'Action 14 Botswana Climate Change Network 15 Botswana Youth Biodiversity Network 16 Cherish Them Society 17 Global Youth Parliament Botswana 18 Green Loop Environemtal Consultants 19 Independent Climate and Disaster Risk Financing Comms Expert 20 Innovation pour le Developpement et la Protection de l'Environnement 21 Innovative Development Initiatives 22 Local conference of youth on climate change 23 Mor Events and decor 24 San Youth Network 25 Tenvelo 26 TGNJ Investments 27 Botswana Climate Change Network 28 #226activistclimatique 29 ANGL SD 30 Association la joie du cÅ“ur 31 Association pour la Protection de l'Environnement et le Développement Rural (APEDR) 32 ASSOCIATION POUR L'ÃDUCATION ET L'ENVIRONNEMENT 33 Association Sahel Resilience 34 Association TEELBA 35 Parlement National de la Jeunesse Burkinabè pour l'Eau 36 Radio VÃnÃgrà 37 Terre à Vie 38 The Youth Print 39 ACAPE BURUNDI 40 Burundian Youth Engaged for a Green Planet (BYEGP) 41 CEWIJE 42 Fonctionnaire 43 Green Energy Department 44 Ikigura Media 45 OCDI/CARITAS SOKODE 46 Stone Cement Company 47 Tabitha community in Action 48 The village Microclinic 49 WORLD FUTURE ACTIVE 50 AFRICA COALITION FOR SSTAINABLE ENERY AND ACCESS 51 AIESEC in Douala 52 APED 53 AU-Great Green Wall- Youth Advisory Board 54 CLEAN CAMEROON 55 Community agenda support 56 Dekut 57 DIASPOECOLO 58 Ecosystems Awareness Fund 59 Global Action for sustainability 60 Hope for Africa Through Sustainable Development (HASD) 61 Ideal Farmers ltd 62 Lojas de Energias 63 Mountain Hub 64 New Generation of Citizens (NGC) 65 Les Benevoles des Oceans du Cameroun 66 ONG -JUD 67 SGS CAMEROUN 68 Think Green 69 UAOD-CAMEROUN 70 Vision 21 pour le developpement et la cooperation 71 Voices for Forests Alliance 72 Wangondi foundation 73 Gasy Youth Up 74 W4CECA 75 Jeunesse unie pour un développement (JUDEVD) 76 Action pour la Protection des Droits de l’Enfant(APDE) 77 Centre for Disaster Risk and Crisis Reduction 78 Comite de Dialogue et de Cohabitation 79 Glosec 80 Plateforme Tchad d’abord 81 Initiative Africaine pour le developpement durable 82 Nature Lover Consultancy 83 Reseau des jeunes saheliens pour le climat/Tchad 84 Rise up movement Chad 85 St.Hemmingways Community Based organization 86 Success smile dental services 87 The National council of NGO's 88 ROSEVAC TCHAD 89 AfriYAN-Comoros 90 Moncharbon 91 The National council of NGO's 92 (I2VS) Initiative Village Vert et Solidarité 93 Aide Internationale pour le Développement Durable (AIDD) 94 Anglican Development Services Western 95 Centre de Developpement de la Region de Tensift 96 CLDA 97 Club du developpement durable de Côte d'Ivoire (CDD-CI) 98 Coalitiondeschampionscommunautairepour la sante reproductive et le Developpement Durable 99 Development Impact Pathfinders Initiative 100 GEOPLANET 101 Ivorian Dodgeball Federation 102 NGO ZERO DEATHS BY GIVING LIFE / ONG ZÃRO DÃCÈS EN DONNANT LA VIE 103 PACJA Cote d'Ivoire 104 PROPAC 105 Reseau International de Management - RIMA 106 UN1FY Ivory Coast 107 Yes Green Earth 108 ACCL 109 Action pour la Restauration de la paix et la Justice ARPJ 110 ADPR-RDC asbl 111 African Times 112 Asodeco DRC 113 Center for Research and Integrated Development-CeRID. 114 CENTRE DE RECHERCHE AGROECOLOGIQUE CRAE 115 Congolese youth biodiversity network 116 CYL 117 Réseau sur le Changement Climatique RDC 118 Debre Tabor University 119 Democratic Republlic of Congo National Discourse Forum 120 Eagle wings Organization 121 Eco Defenders for Sustainable Action 122 Carbone netzero DRC 123 Engagement Citoyen pour la promotion de la Paix et le Developement (ECPD) 124 Environnementalu 125 Family organization for empowerment FOREM 126 Go Green Ganze Initiative 127 Programme du ction des Paysans-Unis en Afrique 128 Groupe de Travail Fortes - GTF RDC/Consortium Justice Climatique 129 Association Al nour pour le Developpement 130 Association de Formation et d'Appui au developpement ''AFAD'' 131 Association des jeunes engages contre le changement climatique (AJECC) 132 Association des Jeunes visionnaire pour le développement du Congo AJVDC 133 Association tout pour l'education 134 Initia Congolese Initiative for Environmental Protection and Human Rights ICPEDH 135 Jeunes Solidaires pour la Justice et le Developpement 136 jossour achifae pour les jeunes et developpement 137 Congogreen 138 Conseil regional beni mellal khenifra 139 Consortium Justice Climatique RDC
GROUPE DE TRAVAIL FORETS-GTF RDC 140 KAROLELANO INITIATIVE 141 Munansi Green Initiative 142 ONG GR5+ 143 Scpnck 144 REFAC Reseau des Femmes Actives d'Afrique Centrale 145 Tumaini Holding 146 UEFA-RDC 147 Union mondiale pour les actions humanitaires et sociales, UMAHS ONGD 148 United Disabled Persons of Kenya - UDPK 149 Youth Association for Integral Development 150 Youth Engaged for Development and Social Progress YEDSP asbl 151 Action for Community Development 152 Ministre de environnement et develloppement durable (Direction de environnement) 153 Affiliation 154 Arsf 155 Build Future Today 156 Djibouti climate justice platform 157 Development Impact Pathfinders Initiative 158 Heya Foundation for the development and development of the family 159 Organization 160 Tourism development Association of dahshur 161 YLE Foundation 162 Action for Women Foundation 163 Eswatini Climate Coalition 164 Indalo Eswatini 165 Youth and Women for Change in Eswatini 166 Alliance for Environmental Advocacy Ethiopia 167 Community Green mindset 168 Endurance Youth Association 169 Enhanced Rural Self Help Association 170 Ethiopian Wildlife and Natural History Society (EWNHS) 171 Fikir Leselam Development Organization (FLDO) 172 PHE Ethiopia Consortium 173 Tena kebena 174 Youth for green nature (Y4GN) 175 Ethio-Wetlands and Natural Resources Association (EWNRA) 176 Appod 177 AJAP/GABON 178 AKEWA ACCELERATEUR 179 CETA/ÃGLISE ÃVANGÃLIQUE DU GABON 180 Seed Balls Ethiopia 181 AKEWA GROUP 182 Gabon Ecologie 183 Global Peace Foundation or Green Thinking Action Party 184 Kersine 185 One Forest Youth Initiative 186 ONG ASCOM 187 ONG developpement durable et bien-etre (DDB) 188 ONG LACLE 189 Standard media group 190 Supporting Girls in Education 191 The Climate Feminist 192 Women in grassroots uprising initiative 193 TINADA Youth Action Africa 194 Alliance for Empowering Rural Communities (AERC) 195 Federation des Organisations des femmes entrepreneures du Gabon (FOFE-GABON) 196 Foundation for Environmental Watch 197 GREEN ANGLICAN MOVEMENT 198 A Rocha Ghana 199 Nyekweri kimintet community forest conservation trust 200 Pan African Climate Justice Alliance Ghana 201 The Zoba Advisory 202 Young and alive initiative 203 COCEG-Guinea 204 Association dos Jovens para Protection do Ambiente na Guinea-Bissau 205 Institute for Culture and Ecology 206 SUSO LAIKIPIA 207 Sustainable Inclusive Business Kenya 208 Iten Integrated Environmental Conservation CBO 209 Laikipia Tripple P 210 Youth Go Green Kenya 211 Dandora Community Justice Centre 212 AACC 213 AAK 214 ABANTU for Development 215 CENTRAL ORGANIZATION OF TRADE UNIONS (COTU) KENYA 216 ACAPE 217 ACSEA Kenya 218 Isiolo Gender Watch 219 Ecovista Kenya 220 Centre for Community Dialogue and Development 221 Action for Environment 222 Activista/Ecovista Ke 223 GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE AND HEALTH ASSOCIATION OF KENYA 224 Vijana Umoja pamoja foundation 225 ActionAid International Kenya 226 Wajir South Development Association-WASDA 227 Wangari Maathai Institute for peace and environmental studies 228 Kenya Methodist university Environmental club (KEMUEC) 229 Kick Start Kilifi 230 ADCF 231 Advocacy and Awareness Centre Africa (AAC Africa) Initiative 232 The Eagles for Life Kenya 233 Africa Faith Actors Network for Climate Justice 234 Africa Nature Solutions Trust (ANASOT) 235 African Biodiversity Network 236 African Rainforest Center For Policy Research 237 Kenya Indigenous Youth Network 238 African Social Development Focus -ASDEF 239 African Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) 240 Agricultural development organisation 241 Agro- environmental forum 242 Vijana Nakazi 243 Turkana university 244 Al Qamar Organization 245 Alu Flybee's Africa Ltd,Environment Conservation and nature based solutions 246 Amani CBO 247 Amazing grace youth group 248 AMCDD 249 Anzania 250 ARTCF 251 ASAL Humanitarian Network 252 ASMAPEC 253 ATED 254 Barnyard self help group 255 Bee society of Kenya 256 Kakamega county youth network 257 Beyond Our Hearts Foundation 258 Biophilic Conversations 259 Biopower sytems limited 260 Blessed Health Spring Initiative 261 Blue Economy Network Kenya 262 Bomet County non-state actors 263 EcoVista Movement-Isiolo 264 Bottomline unique Association 265 Caring angels 266 CEDGG 267 Centre for Citizens Conserving Environment & Management (CECIC) 268 Centre for Climate Change and Land Restoration 269 Centre for Communities Education and Youth Development 270 CeRID 271 China-Africa Magazine 272 Christian Aid 273 Clean Energy and Safe Environment Initiative 274 Climate and Sustainable Development Network 275 Climate News Africa Network 276 Coalition Civile pour la Montagne 277 COBEC 278 COJIGRAL 279 Commonweath Human Ecology Council 280 Community Alliance for Change 281 Community Based Organization 282 Community Green Mindsets 283 Compassion international 284 Daughters of Kenya (DoK) 285 DE mitigators 286 Debre Tabor University 287 Den of Hope Youth Group 288 Diplomats For Health In Resilient Community 289 Earth Buddy Forum Africa 290 East Africa Climate Change Network 291 East African Budget Network 292 Eastern Africa Child Rights Network (EACRN) 293 Ecovista Kenya-Isiolo 294 Elbusaidy Advocates 295 EMERGENCE ONGD RDC 296 Enkare autlou foundation 297 ESIPPS 298 Espace Associatif 299 Estidama 300 Fanaka Wema Foundation 301 Fimbo youth 302 Foundation for Environmental Right Advocacy and Development (FENRAD). 303 Friends Of Yala Swamp ( FOYS) 304 Garissa Mediation council CBOs 305 Gasy Youth Up 306 Gender and Environmental Risk Reduction Initiative 307 Gender Links Kenya 308 Germinate International Consulting LTD 309 Global Climate Change and Health Association of Kenya 310 Go Green Movement 311 Greatplan Foundation 312 Green Climate Africa 313 Green Culture Community Initiative(GCCI) 314 Green Earth Ambassadors Foundation 315 Greenpeace Africa 316 GROOTS Kenya 317 Hawi Trust foundation 318 HER STORY 319 Hive Corp Ltd 320 Hlumisa 321 Horn of Africa Youth Network 322 Young women growing kenya 323 HOUSE OF RUTH FOUNDATION 324 Impactful Creative Actions Network 325 Indigenous information network 326 INTERCOUNTIES PROGRESSIVE SOCIETY 327 International Treasury Home Ministries 328 Inu mama initiative lamu 329 Workforce Productivity Centre Limited 330 Jijenge Youth Organization 331 Jikaze Foundation Community Based Organization 332 Jkuat Association of Green Energy 333 JUMUIYA WOMEN FUND 334 Kaeane Renewable Energy Developers 335 Kaghot tree nursery group 336 Kenya Redcross 337 KRC Isiolo 338 Laikipia North Youth Initiative 339 KARIKA 340 Kasalika Community Development Organization 341 Kasarani Social Justice Centre 342 KCCGP ,KYOM 343 Keiyo Women Trust 344 KEMUEC 345 Kenya County Conservancies Association 346 Kenya Indigenous Youth Network 347 Kenya Red Cross 348 Kilifi youth on the move 349 Kishoka Youth Organization 350 Kisumu environmental champions 351 Kisumu Multi Talents 352 Kobujoi community forest association 353 Koibatek Ogiek Women and Youth Network 354 KPCG 355 KPCG-MUYOFO 356 KRC Isiolo 357 KU UNESCO club 358 Kurauka Advocates 359 KYOM 360 Lake region community development 361 Lake Victoria Community Empowerment and Economic Growth Inclusive Development Program 362 Lamu Youth Alliance 363 Laudato Si 364 Linda Mazingira Initiative -Kenya 365 MAGARINI AGRO SOLUTIONS 366 Kilifi Citizens Forum 367 Monor Transnzoia 368 MOOVE CREATORS AFRICA 369 MRG 370 Mt. Kenya Network Forum 371 MU 372 Nairobi Peace Forum ( NPF) 373 Millennium Compus Network Kenya 374 Nasaru women 375 National Council of NGOs 376 Natural Aquatic and Terrestrial Resource Organization 377 Naturecare Network 378 NAYORE (Namibian Youth On Renewable Energy) 379 Nchiru Young Innovators SHG 380 Nelson Mandela TB HIV Information CBO 381 network for community development 382 Network For Community Development-Kenya 383 Nomadic women for sustainable development 384 Northern Climate Resilience Initiatives 385 Nyalenda Powerpuff girls youth group 386 Ogiek Sisters for Sisters 387 One Child One Tree Africa 388 ONG Save our planet 389 OYEF 390 PACIDA 391 Pastoralists Integrated Concerns (PICO) 392 Pepa organisation 393 PlantVillage 394 Nandi students association 395 Nyalenda b neighborhood planning association 396 Poweo 397 Powerful woman of Africa 398 Pragmatic Social Actors 399 Pwani University/YOUNGO/Africa for SDGs 400 Reseau des Femmes Oeuvrant pour le Developpement Rural 401 Raise Your Voice CBO 402 Recycling Association of Africa 403 REDO 404 405 Re-greening the environment for Sustainable livelihoods initiative 406 REInforcement of Developing Initiatives in Rural Environment (REDIRE) 407 RENAFAT 408 REVNICS ENERGY 409 Rockville centre for sustainable development 410 Rural agency for community development and assistance (RACIDA) 411 Rural Development Inter-diocesan Service (RDIS) 412 Rural Environment and Development Organization (REDO) 413 SAHAMIYE FOUNDATION 414 Saku maendeleo self help group/ECDE teacher 415 SALMO 416 Samburu Programme for Education, Empowerment and Research Organization (SAMPEERO) 417 418 SEANTAM & ASSOCIATES COMPANY LIMITED 419 Shark Swimming Club 420 Shining Hope For Communities 421 Social Justice Movement(SJCW) 422 Society for Refugees and Youth Africa (SoRYAfrica) 423 SODECO 424 Som env 425 Stand up shout out 426 Taita Resource Centre 427 Taita-Taveta csos 428 Nairobi Recyclers 429 Linda mazingira initiative Kenya 430 Team Environment Kenya 431 The Eagles for Life Kenya 432 The Institute for Social Accountability 433 The National council of NGO's 434 The WINFRICH BLUE AND GREEN ECONOMY DEVELOPMENT GROUP 435 Tiaty youth Development Association 436 TINADA YOUTH ORGANIZATION 437 Tiwi turtle monitor self help group 438 Tree Sisters Volunteers Organisation 439 Jenga Future Initiative 440 ICA Foundation Kenya 441 Kisumu Environmental Champions 442 USAPWA ORGANISATION 443 Voice Of Bungoma Network 444 VSO AU Liaison Office 445 Waridi Tamu Entertainment Youth Company 446 WeCare CBO 447 Wepesa saccos and i-rep foundation 448 Women for women empowerment 449 Yeuka youth 450 Young And Winning 451 Young resilient advocacy network 452 Young Women Growing Kenya 453 Youngo 454 Youth Footprints 455 Youth for sustainable development 456 Youth for Sustainable Development Nandi 457 Youth Horizons 458 Youth of one 459 Youth Senate Kenya 460 Youth Senate Kenya 461 Window to Environment 462 African Youth Initiative on Climate Change 463 COUNSELLORS ASSOCIATION LESOTHO 464 AGIR ASBL 465 Agir ensemble ALF 466 Akenyi farmers woman famers 467 CAPR 468 Lesotho Red Cross Society 469 Peace Corp Lesotho (Counterpart) 470 Bokamoso Youth Cooperative Society 471 CLAPgh 472 Climate and Sustainable development Network 473 Enviromental action 474 Focus Africa series 475 Counsellors Association Lesotho 476 KAANI ASSISTANCE 477 Lekokoaneng youth farmers Cooperative 478 PACJA Lesotho 479 Tebang Multipurpose Association 480 Ubuntu Media 481 Youth4ClimateJustice 482 Environmental Parrot 483 Liberian Youth for Climate Actions 484 PACJA Liberia 485 Youth Initiatives for Climate Change (YICC-LIBERIA) 486 KECES Pty Ltd 487 Gasy youth up 488 ONG-ASHAD 489 Vehivavy Miray/ Gasy Youth Up 490 AMCDD 491 Association Mains Ouvertes 492 Association of Environmental Journalists in Malawi (AEJ) 493 Beyond Our Hearts Foundation Malawi 494 Build Green Ecosystem 495 Drâa-Tafilalet Center for Sustainable Development 496 Go Green save the Environment 497 DAPP Malawi 498 Movement for Environmental Action (MEA) 499 National Youth Network on Climate Change Malawi. 500 PEACE BUILDING TEAM 501 Pleaders of Children and Ederly People at risk (PEPA) 502 African Reflections Foundation 503 Ain elbiaa 504 Association pour la Sauvegarde de l'Environnement et le Développement du Sahel (ASEDS) 505 IRPAD/Afrique 506 Leaders Organization for Sustainable Development 507 Mali Bamako 508 ONG-Action du CÅ“ur 509 PNASC-CED Mali 510 C E R D H 511 Association Solidarité Féminine pour le Développement Économique et Social ASFDES 512 Club changement climatique de Ziguinchor 513 Association des enseignants des sciences de la vie et de la terre Maroc (L’Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc Maroc( 514 Alliance marocaine pour le climat et le développement durable 515 AMC 516 Observatoire pour la protection de l'environnement et de monuments historiques de Tanger 517 Observatoire provincial pour le climat et le développement durable _ Marrakech 518 ANAP-Oujda 519 ARADD 520 Association ACODEC 521 Mauritania Environment 522 PACJA MAURITANIA/SOLAR ECOBAT 523 ATED 524 Climate Smart Agriculture Initiative 525 DAN 526 Ecocykle LTD 527 EECMY 528 EMERGENCE ONGD RDC 529 Enkare autlau foundation 530 Environment Shield Ltd. 531 Environmental Management Trust 532 FAWAN ACTION NETWORK 533 FEMNET - African Women's Development and Communication Network 534 FINL oil and gas company 535 Regional observatory of territorial governance in Tetouan Morocco 536 Forum des jeunes marocains du troisième millénaire 537 Forum for Women in Development 538 L’Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc MAROC SECTION AGADIR 539 Moroccan club of environmental & development CMED 540 Observatory of Environmental Protection and Historical Monuments in Tangier. 541 L’Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc -Maroc 542 African Indigenous Women Organization 543 GAYO 544 General union of Moroccan workers 545 L’Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc 546 Global partnership organizations 547 AMCDD / PACJA Morocco 548 Governance for Africa (GFA) 549 Governance Links 550 Green Advocates CBO 551 Green Apple community 552 Greenex Energy Ltd 553 Gwanda State University 554 HORN OF AFRICA YOUTH NETWORK 555 IAAS (International Association of students in agriculture ad related sciences) 556 IMAL Initiative for Climate & Development 557 Indigenous Information Network 558 Indigenous peoples and Rural Development 559 Indigenous women biodiversity network 560 Initiative pour l’arbre 561 International helping for the young 562 Istidama Wattan Organization 563 Jhpiego 564 Jus 565 KA'BABA AFRICA ARTS 566 Moroccan Alliance for Climate and Sustainable Development 567 Moroccan Association for environment &Climate Protection (ASMAPEC) 568 Moroccan club of environment and development CMED 569 Movement for Community-Led Development Kenya 570 National youth concern 571 NECEMA 572 Observatoire pour la protection de l environnement et les monuments historiques de Tanger 573 ONG WAKE UP AFRICA 574 Premium Edu Management Consultancy & Powerful Women of Africa 575 Reseau association khnifiss 576 Reseau Ivoirien pour La Defense des Droits de l’Enfant et de la Femme 577 Vision Legend 578 Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO) 579 WAN Foundation 580 Waridi Tamu Entertainment Youth Compony 581 Women for women empowerment CBO 582 WOMEN VOLUNTEER FOR PEACE 583 Young Africa leadership initiative 584 Young Volunteer for the environment 585 Youth Climate Action Network 586 Youth for Adaptation Finance 587 Youth Climate Action Coalition Mozambique (YCAC-MOZ) 588 ACUDES 589 Associação de Camponesas de Mahoche 590 Associação Mar Moçambique 591 AYICC_NIGER 592 COJIGRAL asbl 593 Conserve with Benefit 594 GDMR 595 KUBATSIRA 596 Plataforma Nacional das Organizações da Sociedade Civil sobre Mudanças Climáticas (PNOSCMC). 597 The regional center for inclusive development 598 Youth Vision Mozambique 599 Agri Sucesso e Serviços 600 Groupe Academia RDC 601 Humanitarian organization 602 PACJA NAMIBIA 603 Aldef 604 Association Nigerienne des scouts de l'environnement 605 Association Nigerienne des Scouts de l'Environnement (ANSEN) 606 Centre d'education et de Recherche en Sante et Changement Climatique 607 Climate and Sustainable Development Action Club 608 Future Africa International Namibia 609 PACJA NAMIBIA 610 Jeunes Volontaires pour l'environnement JVE 611 Mouvement des jeunes prÃcaires 612 Jeunes Volontaires pour l'environnement 613 Nigerian youth network on climate change 614 Reseau de la jeunesse nigÃrienne sur les Changements climatiques RJNCC 615 Reseau de la jeunesse nigÃriennes sur les changements climatiques 616 Reseau des jeunes nigÃrien sur le changement climatique RJNCC 617 ERA/FoEN & ACSEA Nigeria 618 Reseau de la jeunesse nigÃrienne sur les Changements climatiques RJNCC 619 Amaclare Connect & Development Initiative (ACDI) 620 Aqua world 621 Arewa Women Initiative for Climate Change advocacy 622 Climate and Sustainable Development Network of Nigeria. 623 ATO-ClimatEducate 624 Augustinian Centre for Advocacy, Justice and Peace (ACAJP) 625 Azurfa women and youth DEC initiative 626 Plogging Nigeria Club A.B.U Zaria 627 Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria/ Lutheran World Federation 628 Bridge That Gap Initiative 629 Centre for Climate Change and Environmental Studies 630 Centre for Climate Change and Land Restoration 631 Centre for Human Rights and Climate Change Research 632 Civil Society Network on Climate Change 633 Climate Action and Sustainable Environment Initiatives 634 YOUTH INITIATIVE FOR THE PROMOTION OF GOOD LEADERSHIP IN NIGERIA 635 Climate Agilis 636 Ogun State Ministry of Forestry ABEOKUTA 637 Climate Connect Initiative 638 West African youth assembly (WAYA) 639 Connected Advocacy 640 CSDevNet 641 CSDNet 642 Development Initiative for Community Impact 643 Eco-Network Nigeria 644 EcoSusNet 645 Elevated Hope and Life CBO 646 Entrepreneurship Initiative for African Youth (EIFAY Africa) 647 FACIS 648 Forum of Delta State NGOs,Nigeria 649 Global Environmental and Climate Conservation Initiative (GECCI) 650 Global Green Entrepreneurs Initiative, Abuja, Nigeria 651 Global Youth Counterpart for Sustainable Development 652 Grassroots Root Health Organisation Of Nigeria-GHON 653 Grassroots to Global Sustainable Development Network 654 Green & Natural Heritage Conservation 655 Green climate action foundation 656 Plogging Nigeria 657 Jos Green Centre 658 Lake Region Food Systems Network 659 Lift Humanity Foundation 660 Mega Impact Foundation 661 Network of Civil Society in Environment (NCSE) Nigeria 662 Newdigit 663 Nigerian coalition on Youth Peace and Security Agenda. 664 NNAMDI AZIKIWE UNIVERSITY AWKA, ANAMBRA STATE. 665 Nurses Across the Borders International 666 ONG RAMP Benin 667 Plogging Nigeria 668 Safe Environment and community Health Initiative 669 Somalia women in environment and climate change 670 Takatoul Associatif Tanger Metropole 671 The United Methodist Church 672 ThinkClimate 673 Valley of Hope 674 Vive Verde Nigeria 675 Voice of The Vulnerable 676 Volontaire crj 677 Water engineer 678 Willow Farm House 679 680 Young Energy Actors 681 RWANDA CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (Rwanda Climate Change Development Network) 682 Rwanda climate change and development network. 683 Rwanda Development Organisation-RDO 684 Rwanda youth in action organization 685 RODI Rwanda 686 Young Volunteers for the Environment 687 YOUNGO Health 688 Youth and Women for Change in Eswatini 689 Youth for Environmental Sustainability and Development (YESD) 690 YOUTH INITIATIVE FOR THE PROMOTION OF GOOD LEADERSHIP IN NIGERIA 691 L’Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc Maroc association des enseignants des sciences de la vie et de la terre Maroc 692 AFANCJ 693 AGRICODEEXPO RWANDA 694 Cadi Ayyad University 695 RWANDA CLIMATE CHANGE AND DEVELOPMENT NETWORK (Rwanda Climate Change Development Network) 696 CEEI 697 FORUMCC Rwanda 698 National Forestry Authority 699 Association Rwandaise pour la Promotion du Developpement Integre 700 Rwanda Crop Sciences Students' Association (RCSSA) 701 SaferRwanda 702 SMATKKEY ORGANIZATION CBO 703 Sustainable Development Goals Radio 704 PACJA Rwanda 705 Sustainable Development NGO 706 TREES FOR THE FUTURE 707 Universite d'Abomey-Calavi 708 USADEC organisation 709 W4CECA 710 WESC 711 Women Desk 712 Action Solidaire International 713 ANAPAC SENEGAL 714 TINADA Youth Organization Senegal 715 Bargny coast waterkeeper 716 Blue Nile University 717 Consortium senegal african youth commission 718 Debre Tabor University 719 Plateforme Nationale des clubs changement climatique au Senegal 720 Ecolotrip 721 Green action senegal 722 Lumiere Synergie pour le Developpement 723 Ndar Environnement 724 Organisation des Volontaires du Afrique 725 P3C Djilor 726 PACJA SENEGAL 727 Plateforme Nationale des Clubs Changements Climatiques (PN3C) 728 PN3C 729 RAVO Africa Foundation 730 Rwanda Climate Change Development Network 731 RECODEFSENEGAL 732 Rfs/Ova 733 SOS Mboro 734 Southern Africa Climate Change Coalition 735 Surge Africa Organization 736 Ubuntu Media 737 World Action 738 Family Farming Platform Sierra Leone 739 YNO 740 AMCDD 741 Carbon Credit offesetters CBO 742 District Youth council 743 Fridays for future Sierra Leone 744 Impact Women and Children In Sierra Leone -IWAC-SL 745 Kosop progressive youth group 746 ONG E-D 747 LAPO MICROFINANCE COMPANY SIERRA LEONE 748 The Environment Shield 749 Vafrica 750 West Africa Youth Network for Peace,Education and Economic Development (WAYNPEED) 751 Action 4 Environment 752 Somali Society for Marine CONSERVATION (SSMC) 753 L’Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc 754 Faahiye-podcast for Somali youth opportunity 755 African CSO Biodiversity Alliance (ACBA) 756 Association pour la coopération internationale au developpement ONG ACID 757 Kalkal Human Rights Development Organization (KAHRDO) 758 Beyond Initiatives 759 YALI RLC EA Alumni Chapter of Somalia 760 Somali Youth Leaders 761 Somaliland Non-State Actors Forum 762 Children's Mission Africa 763 Connect for change 764 Fisheries and Agriculture Development Organization (FADO) 765 Future for Future 766 Green light association 767 Greenika Africa 768 Hano Academy TVET NGO (Somalia) 769 Somali Greenpeace Association 770 INITIATIVE POUR L'ARBRE 771 International helping for young 772 Kulima 773 Ngazi initiative for minorities 774 Niel 775 ONG - JUD 776 Papa organisation 777 Redcross& Jhpiego 778 Reseau des association de la reserve biosphere arganeraie Taroudant 779 Somali society for marine conservation 780 Somali woman on Environment and Climate Change 781 Somali Youth for Climate Action 782 AKWOS - Women in Sports 783 South African Youth for International Diplomacy (SAYID) 784 Caring Angels Society 785 Pan African Climate Justice Alliance South Africa 786 Child Rights Network for Southern Africa 787 Coalition local pour d'environnement et le développement Durable a sefrou 788 Child Rights Network for Southern Africa 789 Comfort and Hope Development Organization (COHODEO) 790 FINSA 791 Gasy Youth Up South Africa 792 Seda association 793 Centre for Environmental Policy and Advocacy 794 Environmental Safety Organization E S O 795 Sudanese Environment Conservation Society 796 Foundation For Environmental.Rights,Advocacy & Development (FENRAD NIGERIA) 797 African Youth Peer Riview Committee 798 Forumvert 799 FRIENDS OF ZOKA 800 Human Rights and Information Forum 801 Independent researcher 802 Indigenous women biodiversity network 803 Istidama watten organization 804 Sudanese Environment Conservation Society 805 Sudan Climate plateform 806 Northwestern youth lead 807 Pleaders of children and Ederly People at risk (PEPA) 808 Sudanese Hands Initiative 809 SudanEcoShift 810 YOUTH KONNECT 811 Women in Climate Tanzania 812 KITE TANZANIA 813 Zenab for Women Development 814 Capital Youth Caucus Association 815 Civic Education and Patriotic Association 816 Eco Clean Active Initiative 817 Ecovista Tanzania movement 818 GREEN CONSERVERS 819 Health and Economic Development strategy Organization 820 Ladies Joint forum 821 My Birthday Tree Organisation 822 Scar Of Life Youth Organization 823 Sudan Youth Orgnization For climate change 824 SDGs Ambassadors The Gambia 825 TAYEN 826 ADEA 827 ADIFF 828 AGRIDIGITALE 829 Aloguedo 830 ASFFID 831 ASSOCIATION SOLIAFRICA 832 Carrefour des leaders 833 Jeunes Verts Togo 834 CHALLENGES International 835 Dajopen Waste Management Solutions 836 ESSOWAZINA 837 Faahiye-podcast for somali youth opportunity 838 Green Conservers 839 Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement 840 Jeunesse Engagie pour le Climat et l'education au Numerique (JECEN) 841 ONG ACTION POPULATION PLUS (APP) 842 ONG CAV 843 ONG Jeunes Volontaires pour l'Environnement 844 Organization of African Youth 845 Recherche Sans Frontier RSF en sigle 846 RFAEDD (Reseau des Femmes Ambassadrice de l'Environnement un Developpement Durable) 847 Scoops Aloguedo 848 Scoops coftotrapra 849 SCOOPS ESSOSSINA 850 Scoops KODESKO 851 Women and Rural Development Networks 852 World Concern 853 YODE-Togo 854 YOUTH ARCHITECT COMMUNITY 855 Association APEDDUB 856 Emonyo Yefwe International 857 YOUTH FOOTPRINTS 858 Agricultural Research Corporation 859 Akina Mama wa Afrika 860 Alpha Action for Social and Economic Development -AASED 861 Babuka Development Ministries Uganda BADEMU Limited 862 Birungi Eco Initiative Ltd 863 Blessed Youth Hope Initiative 864 PACJA UGANDA 865 CESUDE 866 Charter 4 Change 867 CLOUDTON HAMP VENTURES SUSTAINABILITY GROUP 868 COJIGRAL/RCCRDC _PACJA 869 National Association of Professional Environmentalists (NAPE) Friends of the Earth Uganda 870 Vision Group Uganda 871 Compade 872 Entebbe forum 873 Global Sustainable Futures progress through partnerships network GSFN 874 Great Lakes Region 875 Integrated Rural Community Empowerment /Climate Action Network Uganda 876 Luvio farmers' consult ltd 877 Marafiki United Green Youth Initiative Uganda. 878 Nexus International University Kampala 879 Nile Basin Discourse 880 Nile community Empowerment Network 881 PACJA Uganda 882 Pleaders of children and Ederly People at risk (PEPA/KONGO CENTRAL) 883 Real Ecosystems Solutions Ltd affiliated to Climate Action Network uganda 884 Refugees For Future 885 Regional Committee of Women for Peace in Casadeliz 886 SAF-TESO 887 Support for Women in Agriculture and Environment (SWAGEN) 888 Uganda Coalition for Sustainable Development 889 Uganda Community Based Association for Women and Children Welfare (UCOBAC) 890 United Youth Initiative Africa 891 Wagenge Youth Group 892 Youth Forum for Social Justice 893 Africa climate and enviroment foundation ACEF 894 African Biodiversity Network 895 Girl child destiny organisation 896 Green Agriculture Youth Organization 897 Green Nature 898 Health and Economic Development stratedgy Organization 899 Zambia Climate Change Network 900 Zambia micro and small traders foundation cooperative (ZAMAST) 901 HOUSE OF RUTH FOUNDATION ZAMBIA 902 New dawn food processors 903 ONG MISÈRE OPTION ZÃRO 904 Reseau des associations de developpement des Oasis du Sud-Est , Radose 905 Savannah Zambia 906 Voice for Zambia's environment 907 Zambia Climate Change Network 908 Council of Churches in Zambia 909 World youth parliament for water 910 Young women action 911 Youth Initiative for Land in Africa 912 Zambia Climate Change Network 913 AGRIDIGITALE 914 Association of teachers of life and earth sciences 915 DAN 916 GreenTransformation2050 917 Lekokoaneng youth farmers cooperative 918 Tamaksha arts theater 919 The national council of NGO 920 Zimbabwe Youth Champions for Agenda 2063 921 Zimbabwe Climate Change Coalition 922 Climate Action Network Zimbabwe
1 Individual Signatures Affiliation 2 3 Organization of Affiliation 4 Association of young people committed to fighting climate change 5 AACC 6 AbibiNsroma Foundation 7 ACABE Association 8 Aco Florestal 9 Ãcolotrip Benin 10 ACSEA 11 Action 4 environment 12 Action aid Kenya 13 Action Aid Zambia 14 Action for sustainable change 15 Action Solidaire International 16 Activista Isiolo Chapter 17 Activista Kenya 18 Activista Zimbabwe 19 Activiste RJNCC 20 Addis Ababa University 21 ADS-WESTERN 22 Advocacy for Climate Change Education 23 affilated meber of international criminal court bar association 24 Africa Asia Youth Foundation-Sudan Chapter 25 Africa Blue Economy Alliance 26 Africa Climate and Health Alliance 27 Africa Science News 28 Africa Technology Policy Studies Network (ATPS) 29 AFRICA WOMEN FOR CLIMATE CHANGE 30 African Biodiversity Alliance 31 African Coalition for Sustainable Energy & Access 32 African Network on Gender Equality and Sustainable Development 33 African Reflections Foundation 34 African Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Group-Mkulima 35 African Youth Climate Change Federation (AYCCF)
OLIVE'S VEGGIES 36 African Youth Commission 37 AFROMED 38 AGIR ASBL 39 AgriAir Systems NPC 40 AgriCodeExpo RDC 41 AGRICULTURAL EXPERTISE CENTER 42 Agriculture 43 AHoA 44 Aiadyelkhair_cda 45 Aicha association 46 Aide et Action pour la Paix 47 AIDER-ASBL 48 ALCI 49 All Saints Cathedral 50 Ambassador 1 Million Youth Action Challenge 51 AMCDD MOROCCOO 52 AMCDD RTTA 53 AMCDD Tanger Tetouan Alhociema 54 AMECEA 55 American Football For African Mission 56 AMT 57 Anglican development services 58 APNEK / ADL Tunisia 59 Aqua Bloom ventures 60 Arba Minch University, Ethiopia 61 ARECO-RWANDA NZIZA 62 Artspace 254 63 ASAFA 64 ASEMBO YOUNG FARMERS 65 Ash-Gric 66 ASI 67 Assahraklaghribia 68 Association AICHA Pour le développement de proximité et environnement 69 Association amal mostakbal - maroc 70 Association APEDDUB 71 Association colombe blanche pour les droits des personnes en situation de le handicap au Maroc 72 ASSOCIATION DE DEVELOPPEMENT LOCAL MEDITERRANÃEN-ADELMA 73 Association de protection d environnement et de DD de Zaouiat cheikh 74 Association des agriculteurs sans frontières aasf ongd RDC 75 Association des enseignants de la vie et de la terre L’Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc 76 Association des enseignants des sciences de la vie et de la terre Maroc L’Association des Enseignants des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre du Maroc Maroc 77 Association des jeunes pour la protection de l'environnement (AJPE) 78 Association homme et environnement 79 Association Jeunesse Verte du Cameroun (AJVC/REJEFAC) 80 Association la Nouvelle generation pour lr developpement Boudenib 81 Association pour lâ education et le™Environnement A-2E 82 Association Rwandaise pour la Promotion du Developpement Integre 83 Association Tchadienne pour la réussite Environnementale ( ATRENVIRO) 84 Association Teel-Taaba (ATT) 85 Astrophysics and Environment Club 86 ATDE 87 Audacia ONGD 88 Auto Hitch 89 AUYA African union youth assembly 90 AVEDEC 91 Awdal Youth volunteers 92 AYICC Zimbabwe 93 Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences 94 Baobab Consulting